Loving Life Mindsets With Melissa Unger
The Loving Life Mindsets podcast is designed to give women a new perspective on life if they are facing changes such as menopause, divorce, empty nester, widowed, retired and any other big life changes that leaves them feeling unsure of what life holds for them. Discover new mindsets, perspectives, hope and science to help you discover new mindsets and who you really are and the beauty that you possess.
Loving Life Mindsets With Melissa Unger
Preston's Charm, A Mothers Story on How She is Handling the Grief of Losing Her Son with Empowerment and Empathy!
Ever wonder how you can turn your grief over losing a loved one into a positive situation? Today I learn exactly how Bridget Bagley is doing just that. If you are grieving and wondering how to cope with it, I pray you can take comfort in Bridget's words and her story gives you hope and a place to turn. Bridget is from my home town, Winslow Az. This was such an honor to have her take time and go through her story of loss, alcohol abuse and is now on a life mission.
Bridget Jill White Bagley is the author of Preston's Charm: A Charm-ing, Healthy and Empathetic Approach to Grief and owner of Preston's Charm Empathy Kit. (www.prestonscharm.com.) She was born in Brawley California. Her family moved to Arizona when she was in kindergarten. She works at a mini storage business and is a member of the Winslow Elks Lodge #536 in Winslow, Arizona. Bridget lives with her husband Bill Bagley, whom she married in 2012. Bridget and Bill have a blended family that includes 9 children and 9 grandkids.
Preston's Charm Facebook: http://Facebook@prestonscharm
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